Friday, January 27, 2012

Pink Floyd showed me how to music.

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All throughout my life music has been somewhat void to me. I never have enjoyed it on the level of most people, including my friends and family. Of course, the people I know listens to a wide variety of music ranging from Pop to Rap to Country to Led Zeppelin and blah blah blah, you get the point. What always bothered me about music was mostly the singers themselves, the words they would use would most often ruin any attempt at creating music, in my opinion.

So yea, I disliked music. (Disclaimer: I did listen to some music as I was growing up, but I rarely ever did that). This attitude changed during my college years (around year 2) when my one of my roommates had a huge collection of Pink Floyd, Jimmy Hendrix, etc etc... Anyways, listening to Pink Floyd was something of a revelation for me. The discovery that, for me, music could actually be good without the annoying attempts at singing most "artists" would try to force on the public. No longer did I try and force myself to listen to three minute shouting matches so I could learn to appreciate music for I now had songs that would last ten to twenty minutes. (insert happy dance now).

Understand this, Pink Floyd has been the only band that I have ever listened to over and over and over (x 10000 billion) and never tired of a single second of it. I guess everyone has that band where you can listen to it so many times everyone else around you hates the very esssence of your soul (true story...almost). For me, every time I listen to this band its like the first time I ever heard them, and adventure from the very beginning as if I am riding through some strange Alice in Wonderlandish dreamstate.

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